Database Management/Administration Tool Hosting -

SIDU SIDU is a FREE database client working via web browser. SIDU stands for SQL Select Insert Delete Update.
phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web.
MyWebSQL Manage your MySQL databases over the web using a secure and intuitive interface with blazing fast performance.
Adminer Adminer is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP.
SQLiteManager SQLiteManager is a database manager for SQLite databases. You can manage any SQLite database created on any platform with SQLiteManager.
Chive Chive is a modern Open-Source MySQL Data Management tool. With it's fast and elaborate user interface it is getting very popular especially by web engineers.
Vty Vty is a web-based database manager script written with Php. It's for Mysql.
RockMongo RockMongo, a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP5, is Best in PHP world, more like PHPMyAdmin.
phpLiteAdmin phpLiteAdmin is a web-based SQLite database admin tool written in PHP with support for SQLite2 and SQLite3.