Forum Hosting Packages -

We're the top choice for forum hosting, with quick, simple 1-click installs and import/migration features.

Choose standard or Cloud Hosting options to host your forum.

List of Forum Hosting Options

We support the best and most popular PHP/MySQL based forums.

phpBB The most widely used Open Source forum solution
SMF SMF is a free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community
MyBB Its the easy to use, multilingual, powerful, feature packed, free forum software
AEF AEF - Advanced Electron Forum is a free bulletin board software written in PHP and MySQL with loads of features
Vanilla Vanilla Forums are open-source, standards-compliant, customizable discussion forums.
PunBB PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board.
XMB XMB is a lightweight PHP forum software with all the features you need to support a growing community
FluxBB FluxBB is a free open source forum application designed to be fast, light and user friendly
Phorum The Original PHP and MySQL Forum Software
bbPress bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress.
FUDforum FUDforum (Fast Uncompromising Discussion Forum) is a free and open source web discussion forum released under the GPL (version 2) license that is written in PHP and can be used on virtually any operating system.
miniBB miniBB is a standalone, open source program for building your own Internet forum.